How Disruption is a Viable Model for Your Transformation

Posted in Personal Branding, Transformation On May 06, 2019

In today’s world governed by relentless pursuit of the new, you don’t need to destroy the old. Destruction is not a cool thing, disruption is. Disruption renders the old irrelevant. In this digital era, disruptive technologies replace old days’ destruction. The publishing industry, for example, was complacent with the traditional published books. The disruptive power of the internet made a change in this industry. From the years 2008 to 2012, the trend of e-books started with a staggering 6% in the book market compared to 94% in favor of published books. It seems no threats in the horizon for book publishers. But reality is, by time, e-books picked up monstrously from the year 2012 up till now; so much so that it represents more than 50% of Amazon sales. The landscape is totally shifting. The few thriving book publishers are the ones that predicted people’s changing reading habits and corrected their course accordingly. The extinct ones are those who stick to the old rules of the brick and mortar bookstores. This is the reality of today’s world where the disruptive agents own nothing. Facebook owns no content, Amazon owns no tangible products, and Netflix owns no studios.

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Disruption methodology has the power to transform your life. Let’s say you want to transform your life and move to the next level but every time you try you fail. Transformation cannot be done without healing all sides of your life. Just like a four-wheel car, flattening of one stop the whole car. You seem to be thriving on the career side, the health side, having a positive impact on your community but the family side suffers due to paying all your attention to the 3 other areas. The unfulfilled family side can destroy the three other sides.

To transform your life needs using disruption to your advantage. It’s through improving our weakest area; the one that holds us back, that transformation can be feasible. I advise you to do this exercise. Get a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle and on the left side write down the things you won’t allow doing from now on. On the right side write down the things that must be done in your life no matter what. Start doing this exercise will move you into the flow of how to improve your weakest side and helps you invent ways to improve it. By applying this technique your physiology starts to change. You can feel your vibrations are rising, a new world of opportunities and abundance opens in front of you.

Netflix is an example of a disruptive company who transformed home entertainment and rendered its behemoth competitor powerless. Netflix disruption was evident when it launched its mail-in subscription service as opposed to the market leader, Blockbuster. Netflix didn’t go after the core customers of Blockbuster simply because it can’t afford the expenses of the new releases of the “on-demand” service Blockbuster was brilliantly servicing. Netflix initially targeted a few customer group; movie lovers who cares less about new releases - those who are not the early adopters of DVD players and online shoppers.

The disruptive Netflix succeeds in gaining a foothold in a low-end market that had been ignored by Blockbuster who was focused on the profitable high-end customers. By time Netflix established a completely new market turning non-customers into customers. It starts nimbly with a low-quality product then ultimately covers the mainstream market and improves the quality in the process. The next move was to go the upmarket providing a wider variety of content, more conveniently and with less price as compared to Blockbuster. As a result Blockbuster core customers shifted to the more convenient and less priced Netflix.

Transformation is feasible through disruption rather than destruction. When your intention is on building the new, you can reinvent yourself. It needs you to be honest about what needs to be healed and act accordingly.

About The Author

Tareq Alaghoury

Tareq M. Alaghoury is the founder and Managing Director of Holistic Communications where he offers business coaching services and guidance to aspiring entrepreneurs who want to build their brands and move their business to the next level.