How The Power Of Self-Talk Can Shape Your Destiny

Posted in Personal Branding On Jan 17, 2019

Your destiny is determined by the quality of your self-talk. The monologue that takes place inside of you decides the person you will be. Every one of us holds within the harshest critic along with the finest artist. Your self-talk is monitored and stored to be acted upon by your unconscious. The unconscious transforms words into actions. Talking to your self serves as a seat of action for the unconscious mind.

Related: How to Regain Power from the Unconscious Mind

The harshest critic inside dwells on negative thoughts. These dominant thoughts spell out depressing words that keep reiterating again and again till it reaches the unconscious part of you. The unconscious is your faithful servant that acts as per these negative words. That servant is dumb. He never questioned the usefulness of these words. He knows that his role is to well execute. Even worse, as these words became a habit, the servant executes them efficiently. That’s how Adolf Hitler  deceived his people. He kept on saying; “You are the best race on the planet.” He first built it inside him through repeated words till he believed it and spread it to his supporters.

The finest artist sees nothing but beauty. His vocabulary is the result of his dominant thoughts of beauty. His self-talk is that of encouragement, love and peace. His unconscious picks the high vibrations of his words and works on delivering the finest substance from the material world. This is the world of poets and painters that collides with the reality of modern living. Both the harsh critic and finest artist are not a favorable alternative. Going beyond the two keeps you grounded. Your awareness  is the viable alternative.

Your awareness is the gatekeeper. It is the part of you that watches the negative words and the positives ones. Upon enhancing the awareness part of you, your life will dramatically change. To enhance your awareness is to simply be attentive to the trap of your ego. The critic and the artist are the echo of your ego. Your awareness is your soul that throws light on the dark spots caused by your ego.  

One of Hollywood best actors who understand the power of words is Will Smith. Over the course of his career, he kept on stressing on the concept of being the best. He said more than once: “Your words and thoughts have physical power.” For him, mastering a constructive self-talk is vital in building self-confidence. Such self-talk must be repeatedly arranged in writing and memorizing in order to influence the unconscious to act.

Being aware of the quality of your self-talk is vital in shaping your destiny. Negative self-talk works on low-energy-vibrations that attract the likes - with the help of the unconscious mind. While positive self-talk makes it easier for the unconscious to manifest your dearest desires.

About The Author

Tareq Alaghoury

Tareq M. Alaghoury is the founder and Managing Director of Holistic Communications where he offers business coaching services and guidance to aspiring entrepreneurs who want to build their brands and move their business to the next level.