Success in life is dependent upon developing the habit of excellence. To reach that level of excellence, an honest self-assessment is a relevant first step. Just catch yourself in the very moment of acting on something. The snapshot you take now on what you are doing is a revealing evidence of how you operate in other areas of your life. The key here is that the way you do something is the way you do everything. Understanding this helps you start transforming yourself.
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Look into what you perform now. The trash can is full and you keep telling yourself I have to empty it now but you forget and do other stuff. This snapshot casts light on being procrastinating and not getting things done at once. This shot hints that you are procrastinating in other areas of your life. If you get to work late, that’s an indication of not being on time in your personal life.
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To reach adopting a good habit, break the bad one first. Being honest about yourself and coming to a conclusion that an internal work needs to be taken is a must. Make the unconscious conscious through paying attention to what you are doing. If it proves that it leads you nowhere be committed to break it. You can’t install a good habit without getting the bad one out first. You should clear a pace first then place the new.
Getting to the next level of her career wasn’t an easy endeavor for Jennifer Lopez. She confessed that to be in great shape, she should give it her all. Since we are what we eat, she let go of her unhealthy bad habits. She first decided what to skip: drinking alcohol and caffeinated drinks, eating processed food, unhealthy snacks, unconscious daily indulgence in her favorite chocolate ship ice cream and chocolate chip cookies.
After skipping what is detrimental to her health, exercising the good habits is the way. Exercise is the magical word that helped her ingrain a new habit. In order for a habit to be automatic, a consistent exercise needs to be practiced. She ran a 30-day challenge and by the end of this a habit is ingrained and runs on autopilot.
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Success is attained through breaking old patterns and setting new ones. To set new standards for yourself, look into what you are doing at the moment. If what you do won’t reach you the next level, drop that habit. After dropping it, create and install new one through a consistent exercise.